I’m a British vintage clothing collector and wearer. I’ve been collecting vintage clothing since 1997 when, as a poor student, I bought my first pair of 1950-pattern British Army khaki trousers. I didn’t buy much more as I had no money. When I started graduate school in Indiana, I was exposed for the first time to the vast American thrift stores (Goodwill, et al.) and spent the next 6 years gathering from thrift stores, and a large number of unpicked vintage and junk shops around Indiana and Illinois. At around the same time eBay was becoming the go-to place online for buying vintage clothing. It was much less popular than today, so great stuff was to be had for pennies.

This blog will see the pearls of my collection getting exposure, and hopefully will give an indication to other collectors or enthusiasts to how much stuff is out there still.

  1. Hi, is this blog still active? I work for the Jewish History Association of South Wales and we’re featuring Aero Zipp Fasteners as an example of a Jewish refugee business in Wales. We’d like your permission to use, with credit, one of your images.

  2. baronkurtz said:

    Semi-active, in recovery, haha.

    No worries, go ahead and use the image.


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Vintage-Haberdashers Blog

Quality vintage menswear